Customs, Traditions & Symbols

Explanations of Welsh customs, traditions, and symbols.

Listen to the Welsh national anthem and learn about its background. The lyrics are posted in English and Welsh.

Old Welsh Christmas Customs
Briefly outlines holiday traditions such as the Calennig and the Mari Lwyd.

Red Dragon History
A concise history of the Welsh national flag--provided by Data Wales.

St. David
Biographical details of the patron saint of Wales, St. David, known in Welsh as Dewi Sant.

Welsh Christmas Customs
More holiday traditions including the Plygian, Welsh Christmas cakes, the Christmas Extravaganza, and "How to Have a Traditional Welsh Christmas."

Welsh Culture and Traditions
A comprehensive two-part article covering feast days, festivals, holidays, and traditions. Another great resource provided by Wales on Britannia.

Welsh Emblems
Discover the legends behind the leek, the daffodil, and the red dragon--Wales' national emblems--or the Welsh hat and lovespoons.

Welsh Flags
This site details the history of Welsh flags and explains the significance of the red dragon.

Welsh National Costume
Details how Lady Llanover popularized the Welsh national costume, while helping preserve the Welsh identity. Includes a 19th century photo of Welsh women outfitted in their "national dress."

Welsh Proverbs
Wikiquote's compilation of Welsh proverbs.

The Welsh Tartan Centre
Outfit yourself in a Welsh cilt or learn about the history of Welsh tartans.

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