Environmental issues and related agencies.
Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales
An organization that works to conserve and protect the environment and amenities of rural Wales.
The Centre for Alternative Technology
Built on the site of Llwyngwern slate quarry, CAT seeks globally sustainable and ecologically sound technologies and ways of life. The award-winning centre features displays on wave, wind, and water power, solar water heating, hydraulic ram pumps, organic gardens, wind turbines, waterwheels, and compost toilets.
Countryside Council for Wales
Functions as the national wildlife conservation authority of Wales. The council advises the government and local authorities, deals with land management issues, monitors habitats, protects species and their habitats, and educates the public.
The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000
Outlines the provisions of the Act which affects access to the countryside, public rights of way and road traffic, and nature conservation and wildlife protection.
Environmental Issues in Wales
A report on major environmental issues provided by the Environment Agency Wales.
Environmental News
A searchable index of environmental news releases, provided by the Environment Agency Wales.
European Protected Species
A surprisingly short list of protected species in Europe, including horseshoe bats, dormouse, marine turtles, lady's slipper, sturgeon fish, otter, and creeping marshwort.
Welsh Air Quality Forum
Established in 1994 to set up and monitor a national air quality database. The collaborative database is a product of the Society of Directors of Public Protection, the University of Wales Institute Cardiff, the Environmental Agency, and the National Assembly for Wales.
West Wales ECO Centre
Devoted to energy education and the impact of energy use on the environment. The organization is located in the Newport ECO House, a renovated building that showcases super-insulation, low energy use, small-scale renewables, and sustainable living.
What's in Your Backyard
User-friendly environmental data, searchable by postcode or placename. Features maps, an "Ask a Question" topic directory, and data that registered users can download. Registration is free.
The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
Highlights of the legislation protecting wildlife in the UK. Includes an overview of the act, sections on the protection of wild birds, plants, reptiles, amphibians, and other animals, and schedules of the act.
A Working Environment for Wales
A summary of the report on the state of the environment in Wales. The entire report is available for download as a PDF document.
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