Welsh Literature

Ancient to modern Welsh literary resources.

Booksellers and Presses
Bookstores and presses specializing in Welsh and Welsh-interest books.

  • booksearch-at-hay.com
    Second hand book search specialists based in Hay-on-Wye, the secondhand book capital of the world.
  • Gomer Press
    A family run bookstore and printing press that dates to 1892. More than half of its published titles are in Welsh.
  • Gwasg Carreg Gwalch
    Established in 1980, Gwasg Carreg Gwalch publishes Welsh and Welsh-interest books.
  • Honno Welsh Women's Press
    Devoted to literature written by women from Wales.
  • University of Wales Press
    Search the online catalogue, order books, request a printed catalogue, or read recent reviews.
  • Welsh Books Council
    An Internet book inquiry service specializing in Welsh and Welsh-interest books.

Gerald of Wales
Britannia's biographical sketch of Gerald of Wales, who recounted the discovery of King Arthur's tomb at Glastonbury Abbey and the Norman conquest of Ireland.

The Mabinogion
This Welsh classic represents centuries of storytelling tradition. Read the four branches of the Mabinogi, the Arthurian tale "Gereint and Enid," the Celtic tale "How Culhwch Won Olwen," and "The Tale of Taliesin" online.

The National Library of Wales
Established in 1907 by Royal Charter, the National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth is among Britain's largest libraries.

The Ring of Welsh Literature
Promotes Welsh literature on the Internet. Includes links to more than two dozen Welsh literary sites.

Welsh Literature
A detailed survey of Welsh literature by Wales on Britannia. Topics include Heroic poetry, Arthuriana, the Welsh Bible, and Welsh literature from the Renaissance through the 20th century. An added bonus: a three-part annotated reading list.

Welsh Poets and Poetry
The medieval bards and contemporary poets whose words have captured the essence of life in Wales.

  • Peter Finch
    Cardiff-based contemporary Welsh poet and short story writer, known for his experimental poetry and performances. Finch's books include Useful, Antibodies, Make, How to Publish Your Poetry, and numerous others.

  • Gwenllian's Poetry Primer
    An introduction to Welsh poetry, which explains the 24 poetic forms and the rules of rhyme and consonantal correspondence.

  • Dafydd ap Gwilym
    A scholarly project by the Welsh Department, Swansea University, which examines the early 14th century poet's work. Dafydd ap Gwilym was known for his praise poems and metrical love poems. The project includes a database with 170 poems, translations, notes, manuscript images, audio files, bibliography, etc.

  • Dylan Thomas
    The Academy of American Poets presents a concise biography, a sampling of Thomas' poetry and a selected bibliography. To hear Thomas read Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night, you will need RealPlayer.

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